Freaky Silver Eye

April 2, 2022

Things are pretty good! It's been a very eventful month. I'm at work as I write this (as usual). Last shift til autumn! The semester is coming to an end
and I have no idea what I'm going to do this summer. I turn 20 at the end of the month, which I'm actually excited for! I had my annual birthday-related
breakdown early this year, so hopefully the day itself will be a lot of fun this year :'). I definitely need to learn to drive. I live in a city with decent
transportation, but my hometown is completely suburban and I'll be there all summer. So much to do! I visited for a while 2 weeks ago. The weather is warming.
up and it has a direct influence on my general baseline level of happiness. (+ Daylight savings!) Photo dump from the last 3 weeks below, as usual.
- Amiya